Today's Topic: Saving Your Work on Disc/Stick
For those of you who've been following my exploits on Facebook, you already know that my laptop suffered a 'slight' difficulty. When I say slight, I mean a virus got in there and trashed most of the internet functions. Right now all it's good for is a Word Processor that also plays videos on CD/DVD's. This is why I haven't been blogging much lately. I'm using a library computer at my college to post this. I hope to have a new laptop by the end of the month, so please bear with me. You can imagine my horror when I realized what had happened and raced to warn others on Facebook not to accept anything from me until I notified them otherwise. This was a virus that recreates itself by accessing everyone in your address book from e-mail, Facebook, etc. and mails itself to all of them. As far as I know only a couple of people fell for it because they didn't read my warnings and it got past their Virus Protection programs. ...