Sorry for the delay between postings. College has been a little crazy and I'm still letting the dust settle. Might have taken too many units this time around, so I'm cutting back a bit. There are only so many hours in the day and so many days in a week. I can only do so much at a time as I'm coming to realize. And I have 2 more semesters where I can easily fulfill all the class requirements I need to complete. I've also been fighting a bug, there's a flu going around at the campus. He's easy to recognize kinda gross looking, bad attitude. He's watching everyone go by and if you make eye contact he points at you to as if to say, "You're next." Which is unfortunate because I was checking out a hot babe walking behind him. Said babe, being my wife. Ah, the price one pays for love. Anyhow... this weeks subject Perspectives. When I was in my early teens I became involved in magic thanks to a friend who was already a fine m...