Move Along, Move Along...

The band called the All-American Rejects, wrote a song called "Move Along" which has always stuck with me. It did so even more when I saw the video which at one point involves a member of the band falling backwards into what appears to be an empty swimming pool. But just as he's in mid-air, the scene shifts to a side view where we see a bunch of hands rise up out of the empty pool to catch and support him. That's what a lot of you have been doing for me since my last entry and I want to say a huge "THANK YOU!" So many of you encouraged me saying, "You'll find a way forward..." or "Are you absolutely sure there's no way to unite the two ideas, it sounds awesome?" These comments came to me here, on FB and over on Google+. After reading all this feedback and dwelling on the problem I finally realized I was dealing with another "Rubik's Cube" (For those not familiar with what I mean by this, here's a...