Time to Celebrate... 250,000 VIEWS!!!!
Me this morning when I opened this blog. We had hit over... Honestly, when this blog started back in 2010, I really had no idea what the hell I was doing. I only had the smallest inkling of what I wanted to say about books, writing, characters, voices, point of views, plot, setting, etc. But thanks to all of you and your continued support, I found my way. And after Helen joined me on the blog, things really took off thanks to her and all of you. And now, here we are at a number I never dreamed possible. Honestly, I'm so giddy right now I don't know what to do... Good advice. Thanks Loki. In the meantime, I want to say that I know I haven't been as active this year, mostly due to health and family issues. And unfortunately, those health issues are still ongoing. But I will try to bring you all more content soon, as well as a major announcement or two hopefully coming in the next two months. So, please bear with me, and continue to visit us. We love seeing you and hearing...