Last time I talked about knowing when to release your book, which also meant knowing when NOT to release your book. Today I'm here to tell you I'm really glad I am not releasing anything at this time. Why? See the image below... That's me right now. Last week I had a major mid-term for Pre-Calculus, which is a class I'm still struggling with. I study more hours for that class and I'm still not fully getting the concepts, so I study even more to try and learn them with only so much success. I've also got two other classes I have to keep up with, along with doing hours of "Service Learning" which is basically volunteer work over at a local high school. I have to do write-ups about my experiences at my Service Learning Site as well. Finally, I'm also working on a major final paper for my third class, so in short I'm running on fumes most of the time. This week I'm taking two county exams (one in Santa Cruz tomorrow, and th...