My First Narrator Performance Is Available Now On Audible

Well, after all these months of posting about making an audiobook, it's finally happened... I am now the newest voice actor over on Audible! To be honest, the reality of it is still kind of sinking in for me. We got the word on Tuesday, the day before Helen's and my 31st wedding anniversary. And it just seemed so perfect in so many ways. As you all know Helen wrote "Forever's Too Long" as her first solo novel, and she had me do the artwork for the cover. We've always been a team and we've always support each other in so many ways, so seeing this culmination of her writing skills, combined with my penchant for voices become a reality on the eve of our wedding anniversary just seemed so appropriate. To be honest, I'm still in shock over here. The idea of being the voice for an audiobook had been simmering in my mind for about a year or two before I actually tried it. A co-worker of mine who knew and loved our Para-Earth books kept tellin...