We're going to continue our discussion about adventures with computers . When last I posted, I had just finished telling you all about the events involving the death of my little blue laptop and our desktop, and how we had just gotten around replacing them with refurbished computers. In both cases, neither the new laptop nor the desktop had MS Office which meant no word processing program, excel, etc. And since we were still on a budget purchasing would be more than a minor inconvenience at this point. So what to do? Well, Helen had told me about WPS Office, a system that she had downloaded onto her laptop a year ago which is fully compatible with MS Office while costing $0.00 to download. There is one caveat however, every time you open a file in WPS Office you have to put up with a 5 second ad before proceeding. Right off the bat I was like, "I can handle a 5 second ad, and if that's all sign me up." But then a second thought occurred to me.