
Showing posts from July, 2014

My Thoughts On Kindle Unlimited...

Recently there's been a lot of discussion of Amazon Kindle's latest program... "Kindle Unlimited". Now for those of you have heard but don't know a lot about it, here's a quick recap in a nutshell. *Remember: this is only a brief overview and not an in-depth piece.  I understand there are still some details to be ironed out* With Kindle Unlimited, you pay $9.99 a month to have unlimited access to Kindle books through Amazon.  You don't have to 'buy' the books, you simply have access to them.  Sort of like a private library that you pay a monthly fee to have access to.  Now considering there are literally thousands of books on Kindle this is a pretty good deal for consumers.  You can sample and read any the books and decide if you actually want to purchase a copy for yourself in e-book or maybe go for an actual print copy, without wondering whether or not the book is to your taste. So on the surface, this sounds pretty good right?  So how do...

I'm Looking For A Few Honest Reviews....

I'm looking for honest reviews for my new paranormal/mystery novel "THE SHIP".  So far I've had 4 reviews on Amazon (all of them 5 star ratings), but I've only had one on Smashwords and over at  I really would like to see more, since most prospective readers like to see what others are saying about a new book. So, in order to get them I'm offering 5 free E-Book copies through Smashwords. You'll be able to get your copy via a coupon I code I will be supplying any volunteers with.   For those who are not completely familiar with Smashwords, they have the following e-book formats avialable: (Nook, Kindle, Apple, Sony, and PDF). You'll hav e 1 month to read the book and provide a review on Smashwords and if you happen to have a Goodreads account, I would love to see it posted there as well.  BACK COVER SYNOPSIS OF THE NOVEL: Cassandra Elliott is a billionaire heiress, who has just come out of the closet.  She is also a p...

New Review For My 2nd Novel "THE SHIP"...

"THE SHIP" has just had another review written and it blew me away...   Book Review: The Ship by Joe Hinajosa Posted on  July 7, 2014 Finally, Cassandra slumped against the wooden rail and murmured, “It’s coming… we have maybe two hours to prepare…” The Ship © 2014 Allan Krummenacker Happy Monday! Hope you had an exciting 4th of July weekend. Now it’s time to get back into the swing of things. To help you out, I’m back with an all-new book to share with you.  The Ship  is the second book of the  Para-Earth Series  by Allan Krummenacker. In the second book, we follow Cassandra “Cassie” Elliott, heiress to the Elliott family shipping fortune, and a family with a dark secret. Cassie is beginning to embrace her gift as  a psychic , a gift that unbeknownst to her is putting her in danger. Cassie is also learning to  accept her sexual identity and is beginning a relationship with Julie Cloudfoot, a gifted woman of...

My Latest Review... REBECCA

NEW BOOK REVIEW... Today I present you all with Daphne Du Maurier's classic "REBECCA".  A 5-STAR read in my opinion.  This is one of the best modern-day gothic novels that I've ever read and I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good gothic mystery.  Read on my friends... "Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again..." These few simple words open Daphne du Maurier's legendary novel "Rebecca". A hauntingly beautiful tale of love, revenge, and desperation.  For me, it is a ghost story where the ghost never appears. Instead the lead heroine is haunted by the shadow of her new husband's first wife, Rebecca. Everyone loved Rebecca, especially the housekeeper who runs Manderley with a seemingly iron fist.  Our heroine finds herself wandering the halls where Rebecca walked with grace and dignity. Her unseen predecessor's mark is everywhere, including on Max her husband. Everyone speaks of Max and Rebecca...