
Showing posts from December, 2023

The 1/2 Off Year End Sale Is Coming To An End Soon... Only 2 Days Left!

                                       Your last chance to grab the e-book version of each of Helen's "Forever Detective" Series of books for 1/2 off the regular price is ending soon.  ***Remember, the sale ends on January 2nd so act now!*** Here are the links: Smashwords: AmazonUS: AmazonUK: AmazonCA: AmazonAU:

And Now for Something Christmasy and Completely Different...

  I t's Christmas Eve, so it's time to bring you something 'completely' different... In the United Kingdom there is a tradition of telling a ghost or creepy story at this time of the year. And since according to based on my DNA sample, I am 49% Irish, plus another 22 % English, I feel it only right to continue this tradition. So, we're bringing you the audio version of "The Snowman", complete with imagery, providing a picture book experience, much like I did last year with my unabridged presentation of Charles Dicken's "A Christmas Carol". As some of you may be aware, "The Snowman" was written by my wife/co-author Helen for our "The Vampyre Blogs - One Day at a Time" anthology. It was inspired by hearing the song "Frosty the Snowman" one too many times, before deciding to put a bit of a strange unearthly (or Para-Earth-ly) twist on the story... So without further ado, here is this year's Christma...

1/2 Off... The Entire Forever Detective Series At Amazon!

  THE 1/2 OFF SALE IS NOW HAPPENING ON AMAZON TOO!!!! Now is your best chance to find the entire e-book collection of the Forever Detective Series for a promotional price at Amazon starting right NOW! Which books are included in this deal? PLUS the 1st anthology...   and the latest novel... Each are available at only 50% of the regular e-book price from today through January 1st, 2024!   And remember if you wish to gift e-books to a friend, you can schedule when that gift will arrive to their e-mail on a specific date, like say… a birthday, or Christmas Day, or maybe New Year’s? Use the link below, that is correct for you, and grab some copies for yourself/someone you know who loves vampire detectives in a noir setting: LINK:  AmazonUS: AmazonUK: AmazonCA:  http...