Hey Allan, Is "The Door" Still Coming?

In spite of all the excitement of the anticipated release of "The Vampyre Blogs - Coming Home", this October, I keep hearing people ask 'Whatever happened to "The Door"? Are you going to finish that story? I want to know what happened next with Alex, Veronica, Julie, and Cassandra.' For those who are still wonder the answer is a resounding "YES!" I am currently working on that story as we speak. In fact I've been working on it for quite a while... a really long while... like over two years... (groan) All right knock it off Roscoe! I don't need to hear more laughs coming from the peanut gallery. Sheesh. Now I hear the rest of you asking, "Why is it taking so long?" Well the answer is quite simple, I've spent the last 24 months with a serious case of 'too many ideas'. What does that look like you ask? Here let me show you... You see one of the biggest problems I've had was that I kept g...