ACX Results On My First Audio Submission

Finally heard back from ACX. Two issues came up. I didn't leave enough "Room Tone" (silence) at beginning and end of every chapter. They want .5 to 1 second of silence before first word spoken, then 1-5 seconds of silence after last word spoken. Easy fix. The other issue, I included the closing credits and the last chapter in one file. They wanted them separated, another easy fix. Otherwise, they had no other problems with the files. Volume, clarity, technical requirements of the audios themselves, all of that was fine. I will be making these corrections, if I haven't already dealt with them on my own. After that... still going to follow our own path at this point and make CD's and downloadable MP3's from our websites. and Why? Because Audible has an "exclusive" clause that says only they get to produce the audios, and they do not make CD's. They only produce Audible versions, and as we've been told ...