A Quick Update...

NOTE: I already shared this post on "The Vampyre Blogs - Private Edition", but it seemed appropriate to share here as well, since I talk about what's been going on with me for the past 2 weeks. There will be new posts about writing shortly. Consider this one, a quick update about me... Hello everyone, sorry for the slow updates recently. I had planned on another post today, but life has a way of kind of being really getting in the way sometimes. Especially when you're going back to college. I started attending my first university this week. Prior to that the past few weeks have been chaotic with my wife getting a new job. She got her Bachelors Degree last spring at the same university where I'm going now. She studied to become a high school math teacher. This summer had been a rough one for us for several other reasons as well, including her taking special summer courses for her credential to be come a teacher. ...