
Showing posts from November, 2016


Is there a lover of the paranormal or science fiction in your life?  Wondering what you might get them for a gift this year?  Well then here's a deal you won't want to pass up! Starting now and ending at midnight on November 30th, all three books in the Para-Earth Series are just $1.49 (1/2 off the regular price of $2.99).  That's right, you can now get all three books for yourself, or for someone's stocking, for less than $5.00! And remember the Para-Earth Series has something for everyone: Ghosts, psychics, vampyres, shamans, parallel realities, mystery, love, suspense, humor, action, suspense...  in short, the WORKS! Each novel has earned 4 and 5 star reviews! Not bad for a series that is still growing.  Each story stands on its own, but is also part of an ever growing story arc. -It all begins with "The Bridge" where a stone bridge built in the 1700's is haunted by the mysterious White Lady, who supposedly seeks the baby she l...

****Holiday Sale Starting Friday November 25th****

****With the holiday season fast approaching I'm getting the word out now so everyone can take advantage of these offers**** ALL three books in our Para-Earth Series will be available for Kindle, Nook, Apple for just $1.49 each (normal price $2.99) starting the day after Thanksgiving *Black Friday* and continuing until November 30th. That's right you can get the entire Para-Earth Series to date for under $5.00, or gift to someone you know who loves paranormal/science fiction. OR... You can get SIGNED trade paperback versions for just $10.00 each (normal price $15.00). Stay tuned for more details and links for how to take advantage of this holiday deal...

The Holiday Season Is Coming and You Can Gift E-Books...

As the holiday season swiftly approaches, I began to ponder about how does one give an e-book to someone else as a gift?   Having received my first Kindle last Christmas, I am still very a much a novice at using it.  Mind you I have been learning and I'm enjoying it immensely.  But I'll talk more about e-books vs print in another post.  For now, I wanted to focus on those of us who want to get an e-book for someone we know who has either a Kindle or a Nook.   How would one go about purchasing one without having it arrive too soon?   Well, with the recent release of our latest Para-Earth book (The Vampyre Blogs - Coming Home) I found myself rewarding some of our beta-readers with a free copy of the finished product in whatever form they wished (trade paperback, Nook, Kindle, PDF, Smashwords).  Most requested a signed trade paperback, but a couple asked for the Kindle version. So I headed over to Amazon, got into my accoun...

The First Reviews For "The Vampyre Blogs - Coming Home" Are In...

After one week, things are looking good for the latest installment of the Para-Earth Book Series as readers welcome Nathan and company with open arms... 4.0 out of 5 stars :   A new twist on vampires! Amazon: October 25, 2016 Second book I've read by this indie author. Allan has now partnered with his wife, Helen. Characters are fun. If you like vampires, you'll like this story. A little Twilight, a little Bram Stoker, a little Stephen King. You can see Allan's influences in his works. Nathan is a fascinating take on the immortal vampire. His family and friends are as dysfunctional as any modern group. He negotiates the modern world with great agility. The monsters appear, the battles arise. A fun read and a nod to Helen for the scientific additions. 4.0 out of 5 stars :   This is the 1st book I have read by these ... By  Amazon Customer   on October 31, 2016 This is the 1st book I have r...