
Showing posts from November, 2010

Thanksgiving Thoughts and an Update...

FIrst off, HAPPY THANKSGIVING everybody.  A day early, but I'm not going to be working tomorrow so I had to get it out now. Next up, I'm still without a properly working laptop.  My old one is still working as a word processor and I've been able to make some progress on the 7th edit of my novel.  Just haven't had much time to work on it due to college demands.  Hope to get further on it over the next 4 days.  I was going to get a replacement this weekend when I visited family, unfortunately the check engine light in my car came on and that trip has been nixed, until I get the car checked and fixed.  Oh, well. I'm also hoping to get a couple of 'finals' done for college as well.  Instead of exams, I'm getting papers that need to be done.  One is already completed, it just needs to be edited and cleaned up.  The other I've already got the material to work from, I just got to get it started.  I also hope to complete a third paper this w...