
Showing posts from November, 2013

My Kickstarter Is Up and Running...

It has begun... My Kickstarter is now active and ready to be visited folks.  Remember, a ll funds raised will be going to the editing of "The Ship" and any extra pledged monies will be going to get "The Bridge" professionally edited so I can put out a new proper 3rd edition. I have some nice thank you gifts for those who donate, so please come check it out and/or help spread the word. I've only got 45 days to make this happen. Naturally, I'll be making more videos and posting updates on how things are coming and possibly adding more thank you gifts as time goes by. Thanks so much everyone...

Thank You "Doctor Who"....

Today, I'm going to be setting aside progress on my writing and giving advice to praise one of my all time favorite shows that just turned 50 years old, "Doctor Who".  This show has been a part of my life since I was 3 years old at least.  How can I be so certain?  Because it was way before I entered kindergarden that I saw a creature that captured my very young imagination, a Dalek. It is said among the Doctor Who fans you never forget your first Doctor, for me I never forgot my first villain. These oversized 'Pepper Pots' fascinated me to no end.  So every time I happened to run across them again, I was able to realize a show I'd loved had come back.  Or rather I'd found again.  Being so young I'd had no concept of time and what day of the week it would be showing again.  My first Doctor was Hartnell.  Mind you I'd also caught the Peter Cushing movies, but when I saw him in the role I thought, "I remembered the Doctor as being older wit...

"Kickstarting" My Book...

Okay, I know right off the bat most of you are going to be wondering, "What the hell?  I thought he had book 2 almost finished.  What's he talking about kickstarting it?"  Well, what I'm really talking about is  For those who are not familiar with Kickstarter, here's a quick overview.  Kickstarter is a site where you can raise money for a specific art/creative project by getting people to donate to it.  Now it has to be something artsy or creative, like a comic book, cutting your own music album, an art project, or some other creative work that you need funds to help complete.  Mind you, the monies are intended to go to that project, not for you to take a vacation or go on a personal spending spree.  The object is to be able to get help to make a dream project a reality.   In my case, I'm going to be doing Kickstarter to pay for the professional editing for "The Ship".  Originally, I was going to try and fund this m...

Guest Blogger Keira Kroft Talks About Building Your Own Fan Base...

Okay gang, I have a special treat for you all today.  My good friend and fabulous author Keira Kroft has agreed to talk to you all about building a fan base for your writing.   Now, a little about Keira before I unleash her on you all.   Keira carries a vet assistance degree; her love for animals is as great as her love of people. She gives a percentage of her personal book sale profits to the animal welfare league. Residing in a quiet suburb in the outskirts Chicago with her husband, she manages their comic book store fulltime, spending any spare time that she has working with her cats Scamper and Sawyer to achieve total world domination, one shared Twinkie at a time. Her passions include reading, writing, football, comic books and family.  And now, without further ado.  Here is Keira...  remember to take notes, there may be a quiz afterwards. Building a fan base... If you follow a few simple steps, you can be in paradise within day...

You Have Until Midnight Tonight To Get Your Copy!

****TIME IS RUNNING OUT**** You have until midnight tonight ot get your free copy of "THE BRIDGE" through Smashwords.  Remember: only at Smashwords can you get an e-copy for your Nook, Apple, and Sony E-readers.  Also, if you don't have an E-reader, you can also get a PDF copy for your laptop.   Just click on the link below and type in this coupon code: TR27S to get your free copy of book #1 in the Para-Earth series.  Ghosts, psychics, a mystery that dates back to the Paleo Indians await you, along with surprise Sci-Fi twist reminiscent of the Twilight Zone.  And don't forget to share this link with others so they can take advantage, they'll thank you.