Thoughts and Ponderings For The Coming Year...
First off, I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year's Eve. We've gotten through another year, and I hope that whatever you do to celebrate tonight, please be safe. This past year has been another interesting one, especially with the release of the second novel in my Para-Earth Series. "The Ship" has gotten a number of 5 star reviews and has been hailed as better its predecessor "The Bridge". Although both are connected, each novel stands on its own and can be sampled for free at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Smashwords. For those wondering, I've made the first 30 pages of each novel available for sampling (that's right, I don't skimp). I also created a new blog titled "The Vampyre Blogs - Private Edition" (link: ), which serves as a preview of my next venture into the Para-Earth Series. On this blog you can meet my first vampyre character, who shares many strengths and weakness of th