
Showing posts from February, 2020

Adventures In Audio Recording VIII

CAN YOUR HEAR ME NOW? Everyone knows that typing in all caps means the person is yelling/screaming at you over the internet. Naturally, most folks will tell the user to please lower their volume/tone as no one likes being screamed at. This is even more true when it comes to a person listening to an audiobook. If the narrator telling the tale is too loud or too soft it can really take the listener out of the story and annoy them to no end. And don't expect good reviews on Audible either. I've seen reviews that praise the story but tear into the performance with a vengeance. This in turn can ruin your chances to be hired to do audios of other peoples' books.  So today we're going to get into volume and consistency in our recordings. Now if you're renting studio space and have someone else doing your editing, you're probably going to be okay. But if you're like me and doing your recording in the comfort of your own home/studio, as well as taking