What a Difference a Week Makes...

Hello everyone, we hope you've all been doing well. It's been quite a week around here, or a couple of them actually. Both Helen and I got our 2nd Moderna shots, and both of us felt pretty crummy in the following days. Unfortunately, in my case a nerve problem in my back became exacerbated to the point that I've not been to work all this past week, and next week isn't looking to great either. My doctor is trying to line me up with an MRI to see what's going on. But in the meantime, I tried to take my mind off my discomfort by being busy. In this case it meant finishing the final edits on the collaboration with my high school friend Rich Caminiti, and lo and behold... the 2nd draft is now finished and in the hands of beta-readers. If you're wondering what the book is about, here's a little hint: Was it just bad luck and weather that doomed the Donner Party in 1846, or was it something 'else', something evil and powerful? And is it still there wait...