Birth of a Series Part 2 - "What IS a Para-Earth?"
In my last entry I explained how I had settled on the idea of Parallel Realities for the premise of the series. But what could I do with it that was new and different? Well as Doctor Who would say, "This is where things get a bit tricky." We all know that a lot of choices are man-made, but events are also a major player in our world and our lives. There's an old school of thought that says, for whatever choices we make another alternate timeline exists where a version of ourselves exists who follows the path not taken. I began pondering this concept and asked myself, "What if not just choice could lead to a parallel reality? What if events that didn’t happen in our reality, did happen in another reality? And what might be the consequences and effects of that event?" This idea really intrigued me and I began to think about the concept on a much LARGER and OLDER scale... Current theory says that that moon ...