Possibly The Hardest Part About Publishing A Book Is...

Knowing when to release your book to the public Every writer, dreams about this day. The moment your latest work is about to be unleashed. You've worked long and hard for it and the day has finally come. You've shed blood (preferably not someone esle's), sweat (and boy didn't you look hot at that moment), and more than a few tears (I'm not even going to try and make a joke on this one, I know damn well I've shed more than few in frustration, or because I wrote a section that moved me enough to shed them). So you're all set and ready for your book's release, but in the back of your mind you have to keep asking "Is my work truly ready to be released?" Is it? In my case the answer was a resounding "NOT EVEN CLOSE!" So, as a result of this fact, I've decided not to release my next work "The Vampyre Blogs - Coming Home" until further notice. How and why did this happen? The answer is simpl...