Rough Couple of Weeks...

Hello everyone.  Didn't want to leave you with nothing to read but my older posts.  Here's what's been going on and why I haven't posted much lately.  The Fibro has calmed down quite a bit, but other issues came up.  My father-in-law landed up in the hospital coughing up blood.  We've spent the last couple of weeks on edge waiting to find out what's been happening.  A biopsy revealed cancer, but the full extent of it was still unknown until about 2 days ago.  It appears to be State 1 or 2, they have to examine the nearby lymph nodes to see if it's spread at all or remained localized.  The PET Scan did not reveal anything in the other lymph nodes, but they wish to make sure first.

Around the same time I found out my own mother had been to the doctor after a test revealed a low red blood cell count and she had been losing weight.  This was in addition to finding blood in her stools.  The doctors took a biopsy last week and we hope to find out more on Monday or Tuesday.

Now in addition to all this I've been fighting a cold as well as trying to find some part-time or eventually full-time work.  I hope to have a job-offer this Tuesday, fingers crossed.  It's seasonal, but at least it will be something for a few months.

So overall, it's been a bit rough to say the least lately.  I have been writing to keep my spirits up in the meantime and novel #2 "THE SHIP" has been coming along nicely.  I've mostly been rewriting earlier scenes that were no longer working with how the story was going in the latter part.  I'm one of those people who has to have a story make sense as I write it, I know silly me.  But I'm also watching my word count because I was closing in on the 2/3's mark and had almost half a story to complete still.  Things have been tightened up and the tension in the story is much better than before.  I really like to keep my audience glued to the story.  Lose their interest and you're in trouble.  This is much better.

That's all for now.  I'll post again shortly once I've heard back on a couple of fronts.  Thanks for reading and keep writing.


  1. So sorry to hear you have had so much going on. I hope answers will come and you can move forward with whatever needs to be done.

    I am glad you are able to do some writing again and may a job turn up for you.

    Stay strong.

  2. Thank you Kathryn, I'll keep you all posted on what's happening very soon. Take care of yourself.

  3. Allan, whether you realize it or not, you are an inspiration to many who are experiencing similar setbacks, and have no clues as to how to cope with these inconveniences. I pray that by the time this reaches you, the sun will begin to shine brighter, in your part of the world. Some would choose the low road, but you my friend, and to your credit, have chosen well. Keep writing, and continue to inspire. A job will turn up soon. Keep on trusting. I don't know anything about your personal life, but here goes. I will pray for your loved ones. Blessings.

  4. Thank you Johnny, I find your words very soothing and helpful. I'm following both your blogs and I'm loving "Mort", he is quite the character. Take care and thanks again.

  5. Allan, thanks for the link to your blog. As humans we always believe that we are the worst off and then I read your life and I feel blessed at this moment. Been there, done that is the only words that come to me but I want you to know that my family and I pray for you and your family and hope everything will work itself out for the best. I came to your pages because I recently finished the story of my life, using a ghost writer. First of all English is my second language and second, I am a technical man not a man of words. I would love it that, in your spare time, you might stop and read my blog and give me your opinion how it sits and what I need to do to make it better. As to date I do not have that many entries so I hope you can look at all of them.
    Thanks and all the best to you.

  6. Sorry to hear about this rough time. Saying a prayer and sending positive vibes. I'm impressed that you've been writing your novel throughout all the trauma.

  7. Hope the medical reports have gotten better. I just lost my stepfather to liver cancer and it's been tough on my mother. My father passed in 1990 to pancreatic cancer. Like you, I've been off the internet much of the time lately. I hope to start posting on my blogs again this coming week. Hang in there.

    A Faraway View


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