"THE BRIDGE" Is Now Available In Many Forms...

Just wanted to share a few things about my new novel "The Bridge" with all of you.  I've been getting a lot of questions and I'm hoping to answer most, if not all of them, here.  The novel is a strange blend of horror, paranormal mystery, and science fiction set in modern day.  I have psychics, police, ghosts and a mystery that initially dates back some 300 years and then beyond that.

It is now available as both an e-book and in print.  For those who want print follow the Createspace or Amazon links provided below.  OR, if you are interested in getting a signed copy please e-mail me.  The price for a signed copy is the same as at Createspace or Amazon ($15.99) and that will include the shipping price as well.  I'll provide my e-mail address below along with the links.

As for the e-book formats I have Kindle, Epub (which is good for IPad/IBooks, Sony readers, Nook, Kobo, and most e-reading apps including Stanza, Aldiko, Adobe Digital Editions, others), PDF, Palm Doc (PDB).  The price for the e-book versions are $3.99






If you have any questions please leave a comment here or e-mail me at the address above.  Thanks so much for taking time out and reading my blogs.  I hope to continue entertaining and informing you for a very long time to come.  There is still so much for us to explore together.  


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