I want to thank everyone who participated and took advantage of getting a free copy of my paranormal/mystery "THE BRIDGE".  The first time I did a Free giveaway, less than 450 people took advantage of the opportunity.  This time I did wee bit better... 896!!!

And to all of you who helped spread the word to others about the giveaway...THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!  You gave me the opportunity to reach more people and hopefully turn them into fans. 

I know a number of people will be saying, "Gee... too bad those weren't actual money sales."  And they would be right.  However, when you're first-time author and trying to get your name out there, giveaways can be a powerful tool to get a fan-base started.  I've heard from a number of people who keep telling me they loved the first book and are looking forward to the next one.  

To date: 1408 copies of "THE BRIDGE" are out there in the hands of readers.  Of those about 100 were actual paying sales.  Now most of those people had never heard of me before and took a chance and from what I've heard, they were glad they did.  Those new folks are eager to see what I come out with next and will quite likely be willing to not just wait for the free-versions.  Yes, free giveaways are a gamble, but they can pay you back down the road, you just have to be patient.  

Remember you're in this for the long haul.  JK Rowling, Stephen King and other greats did not make millions overnight.  They had to get their names and products out there.  But they had help in the form of publishing companies and agents.  They still had to do a lot of self-promoting as well, don't get me wrong.  However, even with big name companies to help spread the word, but the authors had to get out there as well.  The same holds true for us Indie Authors.
I know I've mentioned all this before in previous posts, but it still holds true.  The greatest marketing tool is you the author.  Go to local bookstores and find out how they choose books to put on their shelves.  Especially local bookstores who may want to feature a new hometown author.  The same goes for radio and television stations.  Check your local ones and see if any want to interview you.  Talk to local libraries and book clubs to see if they want a speaker to talk about e-publishing.  Hold free giveaways on Amazon and Smashwords to increase your reader base.  Those who love your book WILL tell their friends and recommend your work to them.  It all takes time, have the patience and persevere.  That's all I can tell you right now.  

If any of you who read this blog have extra advice please leave those suggestions in the comments section below.  We're all in this together and sharing our knowledge can help everyone.  Until next time, take care and keep writing.

PS: My next entry will be my thoughts about KDP Select so stay tuned...


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