My Birthday Is Coming, But You Can Get a Nice Present For Yourself Or a Friend For Just $.99 Cents

****My $.99 Cent Birthday Weekend Special Has Begun****

I'm celebrating my birthday by slashing the price of my e-books by 2/3rds starting tomorrow. Books 1 and 2 in my Para-Earth Series are each just $.99 cents at Smashwords, Amazon, Kobo and other locations.

So spread the word and take advantage of this opportunity to get your own e-copies of my 5-Star novels.

Within these pages you'll find ghosts, mystery, love, laughter and suspense unlike anything you've read before. You'll also find beings that are and are not of this world. You can also sample the first chapters of each book for free at Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, and Amazon.

Just click on the appropriate link below to get the version that's right for your e-reader, phone, or computer:


Nook, Apple and other readers (including PDF for just a regular laptop/desktop computer):


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