Move Along, Move Along...

The band called the All-American Rejects, wrote a song called "Move Along" which has always stuck with me.  It did so even more when I saw the video which at one point involves a member of the band falling backwards into what appears to be an empty swimming pool.  But just as he's in mid-air, the scene shifts to a side view where we see a bunch of hands rise up out of the empty pool to catch and support him.  

That's what a lot of you have been doing for me since my last entry and I want to say a huge "THANK YOU!"  So many of you encouraged me saying, "You'll find a way forward..." or  "Are you absolutely sure there's no way to unite the two ideas, it sounds awesome?" These comments came to me here, on FB and over on Google+.  

After reading all this feedback and dwelling on the problem I finally realized I was dealing with another "Rubik's Cube" (For those not familiar with what I mean by this, here's a link to an entry I did a while back about writing and Rubik's Cubes: Writing and Rubik's Cubes).  

So I took a few steps back and gave the problem some thought...

Okay, I gave it a LOT of thought...

Eventually, I came to a realization...  I thought I had only two paths because both led to storylines that I already had planned.  In short, I had become paralyzed by my own vision of what I wanted to have happen in my series.  But those stories had not been written yet, nor were they cast in stone.  I was still in command.  The Para-Earth Series was mine to create, and design however I wanted.  The important thing was to make the journey interesting and entertaining for my readers, which many of you have told me repeatedly I do very well.   

So instead of choosing either of the two paths I had before me, I did something else...

I grabbed the road I was already on and took it in a whole new direction which allowed me to marry the two ideas and make them work.  It took a lot of thinking on my part but I've done it.  The mysterious carnival people and Nathaniel will be appearing in "The Door".  There will still be many unanswered questions about both, but in Nathaniel's case a lot of those will be answered in December.  As for the strange people from the carnival, their time is coming as well.  You will see more of them in upcoming books before meeting them personally.  But meet them you will my friends.  They're story may actually become an anthology of short stories written from the point of view of one who will join their ranks because it will be the only place he can be safe.  You will also learn how the carnival's origins are connected to the ghostly Brandon, who watches over Cassandra, and will have all his secrets revealed in "The Door".

There are plenty of surprises in store for you all within the pages of this novel in progress.  So stay tuned.  

But for now I want to say, "Thank you everyone, for supporting and believing in me and my abilities as a writer."  I will always do my best to create stories that will take you places you never expected, and make you laugh and even cry along the way.  But always, I'll try to deliver a good product that leaves you feeling elated and full of wonder at the end.

Until next time... take care of yourselves and keep writing.

And one more thing.  For those who are interested in checking out the music video for "Move Along" I'm adding the link just below.  I find the song very helpful and uplifting at times and I hope you do as well.  Enjoy...


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