The 'Proof' Copies Have Arrived...
right folks, the proof copies of "The Vampyre Blogs - Coming Home"
arrived last night at our front door, and we couldn't be more excited.
those who don't know what a "Proof" copy is, they are a printed
version of how the book currently looks, before an author gives the final OK,
on a book to be sent for publishing. This is the author(s) last chance to
make sure the paragraphs are aligned correctly, the page breaks are clean, no
words are being cut off, and to look for any final grammar issues in the text.
also give the author a good idea of how the front and back covers look, and
that the image or words are not being cut off. In this case, we saw right
away that there is an issue with the cover. The image is
supposed to be framed by a red border on all sides, but as you can see in this
photo the image is touching the edge. Naturally, we'll need to move
it over to the left slightly.
for the interior, all seems well on that front. The paragraphs and page
breaks are in the right spots. But we're still going to have our editor go over
the entire thing one more time to make sure there are no grammar and
punctuation issues that got past us, her, and our beta-readers who gave us some
fabulous feedback on issues they noticed.
on when these last corrections are finished, we're aiming for a November
release, or on Halloween itself. It all depends on how fast we can get things
tuned and we'll keep you all posted. Thanks so much for all your
continued support. Until next time, take care and keep writing!
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