Getting Set For a New Adventure

Thank you card

     First I'd like to thank all the guest bloggers, authors, and reviewers who were so kind to supply our blog with posts. It gave me some much needed time to get some rest and help family members who had suffered a terrible loss. It also allowed us to get back to work on our anthology “The Vampyre Blogs – One Day At a Time” which will be coming out in early October, a perfect time for creepy stories and tales of encounters with strange beings. With only two stories left to be completed and edited, we will soon be lining up Beta-Readers and then doing our final edits.
     Work has also been progressing on “The Door” latest full-length novel in the Para-Earth Series, and “The Pass” the first installment in a brand new series co-written with Richard Caminiti.

     In the meantime, I have been studying and purchasing the necessary equipment to begin audio-readings. As you can see below I've been slowly setting up a “Recording Studio” in our office/guest room.

     Now some of you may be asking “Why are you doing this? Don't you have enough writing to do?” Well the answer is simply, a growing number of people have been telling us that they'd love to get our books but they prefer “Audiobooks” because they don't always have time to sit and read. Or they lose track of the book they're reading, etc-etc. This I can believe because I know a number of our co-workers are driving from over the hill from San Jose or Monterey, you name it. Plus, there are a number of folks who always have earbuds on and are not always listening to music.
      "Why do it yourselves? Why not hire someone to do the reading and converting them into audiobooks?”
     Once more I refer back to a number of folks who've actually heard me doing public speaking and reading aloud who insist I should be the one to do the audio-readings. And there are a number of readers who would prefer to hear the words spoken by the one who actually wrote them. This is a preference I share, I love hearing the author bringing their work to life because who understands the story better than they do?
     As for how soon will any of our books be ready for audio? I'll simply say that we're just experimenting with audio-readings at this point. I'm going to try my hand at some classic short stories by others like HP Lovecraft and share them here and on YouTube to get feedback and maybe some tips from those who are more experienced in doing audiobooks. Furthermore, I want to know what it's like doing audio recordings, who knows it may lead to a new character or even a storyline. After all they say write what you know, and drawing from life is always a much more satisfying for me when I'm creating a story.
     Now if any of you are interested in hearing what happens on this little journey, I am planning on sharing in detail what I experience and learn as this adventure continues. I'll be starting with the equipment and why some of it was chosen in an upcoming entry. And as I said before, I'll be sharing some of the actual audio recordings for you all to get a taste of what the results are like.

     Again some of my first attempts will be short pieces by other authors some which are in the Public Domain. I'm choosing those first because there is a volunteer project called LibriVox which is similar to Project Gutenberg which takes books/stories in Public Domain and are making them available for free here on the internet. However, it's much easier to reproduce typed words than it is to get audio versions and LibriVox depends on volunteer readers to record and submit works for public enjoyment, especially for those who are blind for instance.
     So, that's all I have to report for now. In the meantime we'll finish getting the anthology “The Vampyre Blogs – One Day At a Time” ready for release, as well as getting other writing projects closer to finished first drafts.
Until next time, keep writing!


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