A Simple Update and Some Words of Peace and Happiness To All...


     No updates on Kickstarters, or discount books today gang.  Just a few thoughts on this holiday season.

     This will be our first Christmas without my father-in-law, and I'll admit a part of me is a bit apprehensive about it.  But not all that much really.  There is still going to be the family gathering this weekend, where I will see a lot of familiar faces and a few new additions.  My wife's 'not-so-little cousins' have been growing their families and I will be meeting some of those children for the first time.  There will also be others I have not seen in a long while whose presence will be very welcome.  
     Although a lot has changed, the love and closeness we all share will still be there, a lot of this came from my father-in-law.  So in his own way, he will be there too.  And I'm really looking forward to that.  

     I know the holidays can be a rough time for those who've lost someone due to their passing, or just because of distance.  But remember, every person who touches your life with love leaves a bit of themselves with you that cannot be taken away.  That part is yours to keep always.  It's there to help you in good and bad times.  An old joke that still makes you smile, a gift that was given that you still have, or more importantly fond memories.  

   Memories are something we make with others that will always be with us.  Nothing take those away.  We may not always be able to think about them on the spot, because of life's craziness.  But they are there and keep a part of us warm at all times.  

    So this holiday season, try to make a lot more memories... really good ones.  Share love, a laugh, a thought, a dream.  These are gifts not only to yourself but others and can be the most treasured thing you could ever give.

    I don't know if I'll get a chance to do another post before Christmas or not, but there will be more before this year is over.  I'll probably be talking about writing and some new developments on the horizon at that time.  

     Until then, enjoy the holiday season and may you all have blast building some great memories of the season to carry with you always.

    Your friend,

    Allan Krummenacker


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