The Cards Have Arrived...

Last week I talked about getting business cards to help market my other blog site "The Vampyre Blogs - Private Edition".  Yesterday, the cards arrived and here is what they look like...

(click on card to get a better look)

The front view contains information about me, the blog site and where to find it, along with my e-mail and a little note at the bottom letting people know the site is a precursor to the book which will be coming out in December of this year.

(click on card to get a better look)

The back view talks about the novel itself.  The title of the book and it's release date is clear and visible in the center, with a quote from Nathaniel above it.  Underneath the title, is another note that explains that "The Vampyre Blogs" is part of my Para-Earth series and that other books are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other online outlets.

"So what happens next?", I hear you ask.  This is where the fun begins.  I will be distributing these cards to everyone I know in my college classes.  University and college campuses have a lot of vampire fans, so it's the obvious first line of attack.  I will give them not just one card, but several so they can share the info with family and friends who also like vampires.  

But I'm not stopping there.  I'll be leaving small stacks in places where students hang out, like at the coffee shops and library.  I'll also be keeping a bunch on me whenever I go out and give some to co-workers (current and former) as well as anyone who shows interest in our conversations about vampires.  

I'm also asking friends on Facebook if any of them would like to have some of these cards to spread around to their friends and coworkers.  I'll be mailing them the cards and putting their names on a list of people who will get a free paperback copy of the book when it comes out in December.  If anyone reading this blog is interested in taking advantage of that offer, please let me know in comments below or e-mail me.  

I want "The Vampyre Blogs - Coming Home" to flourish and become a highly anticipated release.  So any and all help is greatly appreciated.  

Remember, the site itself contains short stories done in blog entry form, by various characters who appear in the novel.  However, NONE of those entries will appear in the book.  I'm not just going to re-package the blog site.  Instead, you'll be getting a brand new novel-length adventure.  The stories on the blog site is simply is 'bonus' material for all my visitors.  A little taste of what's to come.

I can't stress enough the importance of getting the word out about any novel/short story is for every author.  It doesn't matter if your an unknown or Stephen King.  If people don't know about your work, you'll be lucky to sell just one copy.  I have no idea how well this line of attack will work, but I'm going to give it one hell of a shot.  

Until next time... take care and keep writing.


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