The Importance Of Leaving Book Reviews...

About this time last year I wrote a post about book reviews, trying to explain why they are so important to authors.  I explained at length about how prospective readers take note of what others have said about a book when trying to decide whether or not to give it a try.  

But did you know that the number of reviews a book gets can affect how much promotion it can get on  It's true.  Take a look:

So you see, your reviews have more power than you thought.  Even if all you feel comfortable writing is just a couple of sentences like "Kept me on the edge of my seat...", "Couldn't put it down...", "I want to see more from this author...", "I really enjoyed this, can't wait for more..." 

Those sentences plus a 1-5 star rating can help that author and their work get more exposure on Amazon.  This is something that is extremely helpful for Indie and brand new authors who are trying to get their name out there, but may not have hardly any budget to spend on getting their books listed on other sites. 

So please, take the time to leave a review, no matter how short or long.  You could be doing your favorite authors a HUGE favor, and believe me when I say, "We authors will appreciate it."

My book first book, "The Bridge" is sitting at 19 reviews so just a few more could really help it gain more exposure.  "The Ship", my second novel, is sitting at lonely 8 reviews, so if you've already read it, please leave a rating and a few kinds words so it can get more attention too. 

You can reach both books at my Amazon Author Page:

But don't just do it for me, do it for other authors whose work you enjoy.  Help them become the next Stephen King, JK Rowling, or Suzanna Collins.  Remember, you the readers are what makes a book or an author a hit or a miss.  

Thank you all for your help and support, and remember keep writing because one day it might be your work the rest of us are trying to help promote.  

P. S.: "The Door"and "The Vampyre Blogs - Coming Home" are both on track for a DOUBLE-RELEASE just in time for the holidays so stay tuned. 


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