Life Gets Complicated Sometimes...


Last year ended on a few rough notes for us, namely all our holiday plans for visiting family and friends were rudely interrupted by two very nasty cases of Flu and Bronchitis.  We are happy to report that the two of us are finally on the mend.  However, life has been throwing us some other curve balls in the meantime, such as we are looking for a new place to live since our current location requires a commute to work that can last from 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hours one way, which means we spend a good 2-3 hours a day in the car going to and from our jobs.  This is of course leaves us very little time for writing, editing, correcting or even braining story ideas.  

Between the commute from Hell and being sick, we've had little or no time to work on anything lately.  Thus the release of the anthology "The Vampyre Blogs - One Day At A Time" has to be pushed back at this time.  We're not sure when it will be released, other than the fact that it WILL come out sometime this year, the question is simply WHEN? 

Currently we have been looking at new apartments much closer to work which would leave us more time and more importantly ENERGY to write and work on the backlog of stories we have planned.  There are at least 4-5 books already under way, some are much more advanced than others.  In one case we have a complete "Untitled" 1st draft of a two book saga focusing on Brandon Elliott (the ghostly figure who watches over Cassandra in "The Bridge" and "The Ship").  However, his story cannot be told until "The Door" has been finished and released (hopefully later this year).  The reason for the delay is the fact that certain events must unfold in the present day, before Brandon's story, along with certain family secrets that take place back in early 1800's, can be fully revealed.

*Note: This is not the final version of the cover

The eagerly awaited second installment in "The Vampyre Blogs" side of the Para-Earths Series is also currently under way.  Those who read the first book, already got a glimpse into where the second book will begin and we have also given readers a glimpse to the approaching danger that threatens not on Nathan and those he loves, but the entire town of Pointer.  (Click on these links to read that short story: 

Also under way, is "The Pass" my first collaboration with my old high school friend Rich Caminiti.


This has been the most challenging pieces we've worked on, since all of the book has been worked on by long-distance, file-sharing, and Skype sessions.  This is one of the first full-length Para-Earth entries to be set in the past where we meet people and 'others' from this reality taking on a threat form a Para-Earth that could not only change the course of the Civil War, but the survival off all life on this Earth.  Oriental mysticism, American history, and Native American folklore come together in this epic tale that will keep the readers on the edge of their seats.  

Finally, Helen and I have also started bringing characters from "The Ship" and "The Vampyre Blogs - Coming Home" together in the upcoming "Misty Mountains", which brings the readers back to the shores of Santa Cruz (where the events of "The Ship" took place).  Julie Cloudfoot's younger brother Johnny and his new girlfriend the mysterious Michelle, are house-sitting Cassandra's beach residence when they meet a strange fellow named "The Professor" (aka Professor Otto Hofstadter from "The Vampyre Blogs - Coming Home") near the tide-pools at Natural Bridges.  Their meeting becomes the backdrop of a new Para-Earth threat that has entered this world.  A threat that will place all three into terrible dangers from not only the intruding life-forms, but illegal drug wars.

So as you can see we have a lot in store for you all coming up.  But first we need to get re-settled and free up our time and energies.  We ask for your patience and understanding in the meantime and will be keeping you all updated on what's happening and how we're doing here on our official website.   

You can also subscribe to this website by using the sign-up link, located at the bottom of the Home Page, and receive notifications of all new updates.  We will be posting several times a month sharing information about our thoughts on the writing process, book reviews, and  of course updates on our own works in progress.

Thank you all for your continued support, and may the new year bring you all much joy and pleasure in all aspects of your lives.   


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