A Tough Decision Being Made...
After our last entry asking about making other options available such as CD's and downloadable MP3 files of our books for audio, we've learned that if we go with Audible they have the "Exclusive" right to produce the audio. It also clearly states in the agreement that neither we, nor anyone else, can create audios of the books in ANY format.
And this does not just apply to us. At our local library we found some of Jim Butcher's "Dresden Files" on CD. However, it seems they were all made before the books were transferred to Audible. Since then no new CD's have been made. Allan even went as far as to check on Amazon and found the only CD copies available are used ones for the earlier books. There do not appear to be any CD's for the more recent installments of that series, only the Audible version.
So what does that mean for us? That is where the tough decision is being made. After much researching, Allan has learned how to make MP3 Files for sale and download from Helen's web page. She is still in the middle of constructing the store for that website, but we will keep you all appraised of how it is coming along and when things will be available for sale.
Her first novel "Forever's Too Long" is already recorded and up to ACX/Audible standards. However, we both want to add a few new touches to the files, like adding some intro and closing music, as well as the occasional sound-effect here and there where it just seems appropriate (like someone bumping their head - without giving any of the plot away, it just seems appropriate for the particular scene in question, trust me on this).
The MP3 downloads will be in Zip File format, and if this is a problem for anyone please let us know. (NOTE: We will be experimenting with non-Zip MP3 Files as well, just in case some people need that style.)
Payment Options:
-Payments will be accepted at Helen's on-line store through PayPal (which takes credit cards these days).
-Personal checks will also be accepted in which case the file(s) will be e-mailed to you as soon as the check is received and deposited.
What will be available at the online store?
MP3 Downloads
Signed Trade Paperback Copies
and finally
PDF's for those who don't do Kindle/Nook
*NOTE: Kindle/Nook/Kobo and other e-book versions will still be available through Amazon and Barnes and Noble, Kobo, other online outlets.
But what about the Para-Earths Books?
We will also be slowly setting up a store here on this blog to cover our Para-Earths Series which of course includes:

*NOTE: Signed paperback copies and PDFs will be posted shortly.*
Audiobooks in the forms of CD's and dowloadable MP3's are already under way, starting with the our anthology "The Vampyre Blogs - One Day At A Time" (of which 5 of the stories have already been recorded and edited) and "The Bridge". Voices have been lined up for many of the characters, while others have yet to be cast so please bear with us.
And rest assured that all new Para-Earths tales are on the way as well.
As of today "The Door" is weighing in at over 60,000 words and still growing.
We are also pleased to let you all know that "The Vampyre Blogs - Family Ties" novel, is also under way and is currently sitting at 6000 words. This story will be a full-length novel taking up a couple of weeks after the events of "The Vampyre Blogs - Coming Home".
A third novel "The Misty Mountains" will feature Jonathan Cloudfoot and his girlfriend Michelle (who both made their 1st appearances in "The Ship") will be teaming up with "The Professor" (aka Otto from "The Vampyre Blogs - Coming Home") is also in the works. This adventure will be taking place in the hills of Santa Cruz California.
So we have a lot going on here and much more coming your way. As always we thank you for your support and patience while we bring all this and more to you.
Until next time, take care and keep writing everyone!
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