The Early Halloween Treat - Audiobook Time Continues...

The Halloween Season is still going on, and so does the treat. Last week we brought you the first 3 chapters of Helen's 1st solo novel "Forever's Too Long". Today we're giving you the next 3 chapters along with a chance to see Rafael and Clara working together, as well as getting to know one another better. 

You'll also get to see how others view Rafael, especially from his days back on the police force. As you'll hear, the reactions he gets tend to run from delighted, annoyed, and downright suspicious. So sit back and enjoy these three new chapters from the first book of the Forever Detective Series.

Chapter 3 - The Ellis Island Traffic Control Board

Chapter 4 - Moose's Memory

Chapter 5 - Clara Proved Me Wrong

Next week we'll be sharing the next three chapters where things begin to get a bit more hairy for Rafael. After an evening of dance and romance, he begins to delve deep into the second of his two cases. By infiltrating the cult that has been recruiting Eugene Marshall's employees he's about to learn a terrifying truth that will bring him face-to-face with their mysterious leader, a man the world believed dead for over two decades. So trust us when we say you won't want to miss out on the action as the story turns from thriller to supernatural on Halloween Day!

And if you can't wait until then, here are the links to get the audiobook from the listening format of your choice:


Until then, stay safe and keep writing... er listening dear friends.


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