Be Careful What You Wish For...

 ... because you might just get it.

So, after all my talk and posting about finding a crystal ball... Ah, the photo pretty much tells you what happened. 

Now to be honest, I've had this crystal ball for years. Helen got it for me long before we got married, and we exchanged our vows 35 years ago. (Go us!) But I'd lost track of it some time ago, and I literally just ran across it in one of our boxes in storage. Upon spotting it, I just had to pull it out, cleaned and dusted it, and now it is currently sitting on my desk.

"So? Did you look into it or not?" I hear some of you ask. Or maybe that's just the voices in my head, and believe me, as a voice-actor I've got a LOT of them. The answer is... I'm thinking about it.

Why haven't I done it already? Well, I got kind of side-tracked wondering what would my characters do?
See how I slipped the topic of writing into this entry? 

Although to be honest, I have had one of my characters actually weighing the possibility of winding up in a wheelchair. Her name is Cassandra Elliott, and she has so far appeared in two of the Para-Earth novels, "The Bridge" (which is currently unavailable but will be out again early next year - I hope), and "The Ship".

The scene I'm referring to occurred in "The Ship" where we learn a lot more about this billionaire heiress. In particular, she has Epstein-Barr Syndrome (or so it is believed by her family and doctors), which makes her life less predictable and more than a little worrying. She has spells of weakness, especially in her legs that makes being on her feet a problem at times. This is especially frustrating for her, since she has been an accomplished ballroom dancer and even participated in contests as a teenager. But as her condition began to rear its ugly head, she's had to give up a number of things, including driving. Luckily, being an heiress she has a chauffeur to drive her places, or even relies on friends. However, there is always the looming possibility that she might become even more incapacitated, a prospect that terrifies her more than she likes to admit.

She even keeps wheelchairs in all her properties just in case she has a really bad day and cannot walk. But each one of those transport devices, are kept out of the way so no one sees them. Why? Because she cannot stand to look at them. Mind you, she will use them, but only when it is absolutely necessary. Otherwise, as far as Cassandra is concerned, out of sight, out of mind.

Now you might be asking yourself, why does she do this? Is she ashamed or embarrassed about having to occasionally be in a wheelchair? Does she not want anyone to see her so weak and helpless? Or is there something else going on?

The answers of course can be found in the pages of "The Ship", which is a good creepy read at this time of year. So, if you haven't done so already, you might want to click on one of the links at the bottom of this post to get a copy for yourself to indulge for this Halloween season. And although the book is part of the Para-Earth series and has connections to the first book "The Bridge", it stands well on its own and can be thoroughly enjoyed without reading the other book.

As for me and my crystal ball...

Well, we'll have to see. A lot of things are going on with my life, both with writing and my health. More pressing though, are some family issues that are weighing heavily on me right now. Mind you, those issues are not between me and Helen, but other family members.

With so much undecided and no direct answers in sight, I will close out this entry here for now. Sometimes, looking for and finding inspiration for story ideas can be a bit more intricate and intimate than you may be comfortable with. However, life is going to happen no matter what, and there's always lessons and insights to be gained from it. It all comes down to what you choose to do with that knowledge and experience.

Until next time... or until I finally gaze into that crystal ball... take care everyone. Be safe and keep reading and writing.

And speaking of reading, here are those links for "The Ship" I mentioned earlier...


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