More About Drawing From Life to Create Realistic Characters...

This latest installment not only deals with creating characters, but also explains a bit why I haven't been making as long an entry as I'd like lately.  I hope to do a more proper entry shortly.  Thanks...


  1. Thank you for your post today, Allan. I have been dealing with chronic pain and chronic dislocating joints and osteoarthritis/bursitis/tendonitis since I was 4 years old. I can relate to what you stated about not being able to do certain hobbies any more. I used to knit sweaters, sew quilts, crochet and work cross-stitch; but, my hand joints are gradually being worn away.

    I do have a physically demanding job...I am a grocery deli manager, and must do a lot of lifting, pulling, pulling, pushing of objects up to 50 lbs, and constant stickering by hand or with a sticker gun. Needless to say, I pray a LOT!

    The protagonist in my family history memoir, who is my husband's great grandfather, who died in 1918...obviously long before we were born (my husband is 52 and I am 51). According to his Civil War Pension File, he came out of the war a changed man...physically...because of the poor treatment afforded the USCT in North Carolina, 14th Heavy Artillery.

    It is a challenge to imagine how the person reacted and SHOW it through their actions rather than "tell" the story. I invite you to stop by and take a look: In Black and White: Cross-Cultural Genealogy.

    1. Thanks for the link Debra, I will be checking it out this weekend. I'm glad you liked my entry. It is hard to think how a person reacted to things they've seen and experienced. No two people are exactly alike. Thanks for sharing this and your own experiences. Stay strong and take care of yourself as best you can. Thanks again.

  2. Allan: The comments here seem to just be a parade of disabilities, a parade that I'll add to:

    I don't have pain, fortunately, but due to the MS that I've had for over 16 years now there are many things that I can no longer do: I was a singer, a dancer, a cartoonist. I can no longer do any of them.

    I was a writer before I became disabled; I'm more focused in it now.

    I haven't yet created a character with it, but that's only because no story that I've written yet could use it. I wouldn't shy away from it though, like you point out.

    1. Thanks for sharing Jeff, I wish things were bettor for you. But I'm glad your still writing and look forward to hearing more about your work. Take care my friend.

    2. Allan, see how many people are touched by your post, Keep posting such helpful posts :-) Good luck to you too

    3. And this is a very interesting share on creating realistic characters from life, I have tried it and lemme say it is very challenging as you said

  3. Jeff, I think the disability you mentioned helps you to focuss on your unused potentials, so keep writing and be good at it, god bless, good luck to you :-)

  4. Pain is horrible. I wish you health.


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