Greetings everyone.  I wish to make a couple of announcements.  

First, after careful consideration and evaluating where things are at, I've decided to aim for releasing the book in time for June. This way people can enjoy it as part of their Summer reading.
As a result of this decision I'm declaring the Kickstarter a failure and ended.  Mind you, I am not angry or upset by this. In fact I think it may be a blessing in disguise.  I will have more time to rework the book and possibly have some Beta-testers read it to get a better idea how my unpaid team and I do at getting it edited as best we can. If there still seem to be a lot of problems, then I may try another Kickstarter or find another way to raise the money for a professional editor.
I'd like to take this moment to thank everyone who did pledge to the Kickstarter.  The Kickstarter was not going to succeed, but I do appreciate your belief in me and your support.
Remember "THE SHIP" is still coming. I am not giving up on it. I'm just giving myself more time and breathing space to get it in the best shape possible. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming weeks.
ALSO: I will be appearing in an anthology being printed over in England soon, so I'll keep you all appraised about that as I hear more on that front.
On a final note, I will also be releasing another book later this year. "THE VAMPYRE BLOGS" which is destined for a Christmas release, since that will be the time frame of the story.  In the meantime, you can read entries by the characters on my blog that is dedicated to that novel. Keep in mind, the entries you read online will NOT be appearing in the novel. They are merely to help prospective readers become a little more familiar with the characters and their histories, before the book comes out.   After all, I can only fit so much into one book. (grin)
Thanks for your attention and support. Take care and keep writing everyone.


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