Why The New Blog?

Before I get into promoting my new blog, I thought I should explain myself to you all.  The reason why I've created "The Vampire Blogs" was simple.  It's part experiment, and part story building.  With the popularity of vampires in books, it was only a matter of time before I found myself getting drawn in, although I had sworn to avoid the genre.  Yet, like any writer, I couldn't help speculating on  "Well, if I did a vampire story, I'd make it more original and do this, this and this..."  Naturally, an idea came and began to snowball on me.

I wanted to keep most if not all the typical strengths and weaknesses of the traditional vampire, while at the same time making such a being fit into my Para-Earth Series world.  The being I would have a reasonable explanation for the various abilities such as shape-shifting, turning into mist, etc.   I would also give him a few new traits that fit with the being I had made him out of.  I won't go into any more details at this point, because I don't want to spoil things for the readers of the novel when it comes out.

So, I created Nathaniel and made him into a vampire.  Is he good or bad?  Well, I'll let you all find out over at the other blog and in the book.  He's human, let's say that much.  He can be good or bad like any person.  It all depends on how he's treated and if he's pushed too far.

Still, none of this answers the original question of why I created an actual blog for a novel that isn't going to be ready until December.  The answer is very simple.  I wanted to see if I could generate a lot of interest for the book, by giving my prospective audience and chance to get to know some of the characters in advance.  To let the readers inside these people's heads and know where they're coming from and what kind of lives they've led.  Remember, like in any book, these lives are going to be turned upside down and forever changed by the end of the novel.  Whether these changes are going to be for good or for bad, only time and the novel will tell.

But there was also a secondary purpose for creating the blog.  It is going to help me as a writer to get to know these characters as well.  I'll have time to really figure out who they are, what events have shaped them, and what are their hopes and dreams.  I've encountered so many people who always wanted to know more about certain characters in books we've both read, but sadly the authors don't always have the time to give us more.  Unless the writer is doing a long series, there are always so many unanswered questions about the people we meet within the pages of those books.  Maybe the author doesn't even have all the answers, I know I didn't sometimes.  So this time, I hope to have those answers and can share them in advance with all of you. 

Whether or not this experiment is a success or failure, time will tell.  But you're all invited to come along for the ride and see what happens.  Please leave feedback here or over at  "The Vampire Blogs", because I'm looking forward to hearing people's thoughts on what they are seeing.

I just finished putting up a new entry there today, where my lead character "Nathaniel Steward" has just finished his first entry.  Come and meet the vampire who I hope will capture your hearts and minds...


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