In 9 Days "THE SHIP" Will Arrive...

"THE SHIP" Will Come In To Dock On May 23rd...

That's right gang.  The second installment of the Para-Earth Series is coming to an e-reader near you very soon.  

"THE SHIP" takes place during the month-long interlude mentioned in the Epilogue of "THE BRIDGE".  If you haven't read that book, no worries.  "THE SHIP" is a novel that stands on its own.  Enough references are made to the previous story to bring you up to date without recapping the entire first book, while at the same time adding to the new story.

Within these pages you'll meet Cassandra Elliott, billionaire heiress to a hotel and shipping empire, and her new love interest Julie Cloudfoot a Seneca shamaness.  The two have come to the shores of Santa Cruz to bring the ashes of Julie's uncle to his children who live out here.  While paying their respects, Cassie and Julie are also trying to learn more about one another.  Their romance is still in its fledgling stage and both are eager to see whether or not they can make it as a couple.

However, unknown to both, danger is closing in from two directions.  One is a mysterious white-haired man who seems to appear and disappear at will.  He has been stalking Cassandra for the past year and has definite plans for her psychic abilities.  But before he can act a new threat arises from the sea.  One with connections to both Cassie and Julie's ancestors.  A ghostly vessel that marks Cassandra for its next target...

"THE SHIP" will be available for Kindle, Nook, Apple, Sony and other e-readers.  It will also be available in PDF form for laptop and desktop computers, as well as in print in Trade Paperback form.  So mark the date May 23rd, to get the second installment of the Para-Earth Series.  


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