Results and Thoughts On My $0.99 Week-Long Sale...

Good News...  My $0.99 Cent sale is over.

Now the Bad News: I'm still going to talk about it today....  

Now don't panic, the sale is over and done with and I won't be promoting it today.  Instead I'd like to share some insights and the results with you all and get some feedback.  

First off, how well did a week-long sale like this do?  Well all together I sold 15 copies, 10 of "THE SHIP", and 5 of "THE BRIDGE".  How do I feel about that?   It wasn't bad to be honest, but I'm not sure an entire week was necessary.  Almost 2/3rd's of the sales happened on the weekend when I first announced the sale.  For most of the week itself, there were only one or two days where anything happened.  Then when I announced this last weekend that the sale was coming to an end, there another 4-5 copies sold.  So quite frankly, doing an entire week-long sale didn't yield all that much for my efforts.

Where did I publicize the sale?  Facebook, Twitter, Google +, both my blogs (which average over 1600 views a month from around the world),, LinkedIn and a few other places as well as friends sharing and spreading the word.  So I really tried to get the word out.

Right now, I'm not certain how I feel about the results.  I'd like to hear from some of you authors reading this blog and hear your thoughts.  Was 15 a good result, mediocre or what?  Were there other places I could have posted to spread the word?  Myself and other readers of this blog would love to hear what the voices of experience have to say.  Part of the purpose of this blog is to share my experiences and learn from those who read this blog, so please leave some comments in the section below.  We're all in this together and the more we pool our knowledge, the more we all benefit gang.

That's all for this entry.  I'll be discussing Pricing your work in the next discussion, and then we'll be discussing what genre your work might fit in.  That can be tough to figure out at times especially if you're like me and wind up crossing several genres at once.

Until next time, take care and keep writing...


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