Rainy Day Musings About My Books and School...

"Okay, so where do I go next?"

That's the question I've been asking myself a lot during the week-long break I had from my studies at CSUMB.  I managed to finally put the 2nd draft of "The Vampyre Blogs - Coming Home" (the new official title of my 1st vampyre novel) and am currently reading it aloud to my wife Helen.  I'm already seeing areas that definitely need more work and rewriting, but her reactions to most of the scenes have been very positive.  Plus she's also providing me with some feedback on one of the characters who she actually created.  There will be a third and possibly a fourth draft before I unleash anything on my beta-readers.  Luckily I've got time since the book isn't going to be released until next fall at the earliest.

In the meantime I really want to get back to "The Door" which is the third book of mine that will feature Alex, Veronica, Cassie and Julie.  This book will wrap up most of the unanswered questions from "The Bridge" and "The Ship".  We'll see the final showdown with the mysterious white-haired man who tried to defend the creature inside the bridge and then followed Cassie and Julie all the way to Santa Cruz.  I will also reveal the ghostly Brandon's secret and why he has watched over Cassie all her life.  The mysterious return of Rachel's baby will also be explained, considering she was dying when we last saw her.  But I will also be sowing seeds for future books as well, so expect some new characters and mysteries to be unveiled.

However, for now I must think mainly about my studies at school.  I've been taking four classes this semester and three of them do NOT have finals, thank God.  However, my Statistics class has a cumulative final which more than makes up for the others not having final exams.  I must get a 65 or better on the final to pass the class even though I've already got a "A" grade in it for all my other work.  I hate classes that have that rule.  It puts so much more pressure on a person.  

Anyway the exam is scheduled for December 15th, so less than two weeks away.  So I'll be doing a lot of reviewing and studying, as well as wrapping up the other classes which also have assignments due before the next two weeks are done.  So as you can see I've got quite a lot on my plate already.  

I still hope to put out a Christmas short story involving Nathaniel (my vampyre), Jason Cloudfoot (yes this story is being set in the past so he's still alive), Police Chief Roy Peterson, his new second-in-command Veronica Ross, and a very young Julie.  Expect ghosts (perfect for a Christmas story), mystery, and some touching moments.  

Until then, I'll be posting when I can and probably running holiday sale or two.  So stay tuned.  In the meantime, enjoy the season and keep writing everyone.


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